This program will allow you to split Dark Forces' GOB files into their component parts or join a group of files into a GOB file that Dark Forces understands. It is similiar in functionality to "GobIt" but it is (hopefully) much more robust and certainly much faster.
If you find errors, e-mail me at
Who needs it?
Anyone interested in the inner workings of Dark Forces' GOB files.
What's next?
This program represents my first step towards creating a full-fledged Dark Forces editor. Yves Borckmans has graciously allowed me access to his source code so I'm attempting to piece together a Mac-friendly version of his PC level editor, DFUSE. As I complete various steps, I'll be releasing them. Hopefully, I'll have a culminatory effort by the end of January, 1996, but don't hold me to it!
You will always be able to find the latest version of this package on my Dark Forces page at
How do I use it?
You can:
Ñ Drop a GOB file on the GOB Viewer icon to split it up
Ñ Drop a folder of valid files onto the GOB Viewer icon to create a GOB file
Ñ Just start it up and you'll be presented with a dialog with which you can open a GOB file and pluck selected files out.
About the program
There's a few things about this program which I'm not entirely satisfied with. First of all, it is rather severe in it's error checking. If it detects an error, it'll let you know and then immediately terminate. I haven't tested it too thoroughly so I'll implement smoother error-checking as the need arises.
Also, it assumes that when you drop a folder full of files on it, they all have valid DOS filenames, that is 8 characters, a dot and then a 3 character extension. If they don't, it'll truncate the name to 12 characters and Dark Forces will probably puke ;)
When it assembles a GOB file, it does it alphabetically. There's no way to order the files and I'm not sure I'll ever add that functionality. Right now, this program is a bunch of library routines for a larger project with an interface slapped on it.
Version History
1.1 - fixed bug creating GOB files when dragging a folder on the app. I have no idea how I missed this obvious bug! The problem was I was attempting to close a window which didn't exist when I was done creating the GOB file. That's what I get for adding one line of code without testing the changes...doh!
1.0b1 - first release
I have used to it tear apart the GOB files that come with Dark Forces and put them back together again. Dark Forces ran fine, so it works so far :) I claim no responsibility for lost data, trashed hard drives, etc. If it smokes your hard drive, imagine what it's doing to mine by testing it and you'll probably gain some measure of satisfaction.